PS3 Trophies


Beats of Rage - Sega Dreamcast

Those games that you never thought would make it to a Dreamcast or a PS2 really does. Beats of Rage, tons of people really wanted to see a Streets of Rage 4, but with the power of game design, and the ability to play burnt games on a Modded PS2 or a normal Dreamcast the ability to play this kind of game is not imaginary after all.

When I heard about this game Beats of Rage I had to search for it, since I knew Dreamcast would play burnt games without the use of a mod chip then I found this game and ended up downloading it.

The game looks just like Streets of Rage 2, even has some of the music tracks of the actual game, giving you a better remix with actual artists. The animation is amazing and it's a must download if you do have a Dreamcast lying around or even an emulator and a computer powerful enough to play it. (Kisses Dreamcast) I'll love it until it dies.

Though you could play this on a PS2 as well you might run into the problem of having to mod it first if you haven't already. I think it's good that the Dreamcast still lives on with it's amazing ability to play games then you can find those rare Dreamcast games that you've never even heard about, then your library just keeps growing and growing. NICE!