PS3 Trophies


Resident Evil 5 Demo - PlayStation 3

I was surprised at how well the game looks, 360 had it's demo out almost two weeks ago while the PS3 was just getting it last week.

The demo gives you two things areas to play with, it doesn't tell you the whole entire story just that you already met Sheva and that you're already fighting against the villagers who spot you in a house during a cut scene. I was amazed at the graphics and the way the controls feel, the only thing I don't like is the shooting, you have to completely stand still in order to shoot and you're basically having to turn your aim over slowly when he's trying to shoot enemies that might be at the corner of him.

With Sheva she can be some use and help when telling you that you have guys behind you ready to attack you, but then other times she can really get in the way especially when running from the enemy, she might get caught up with a boss slamming her against the ground with his weapon or even a villager grabbing her and screaming for your help. It's almost like having Ashley but this time she helps you fight off the plague.

Also the bad part is that your partner will waste a lot of ammo and if you are low on ammo yourself the only best solution is to give her your ammo and just stab villagers to death with your knife. Conserving ammo is probably the key to staying alive but then again with Resident Evil 5 you still don't get that survival horror feeling when playing through as you're basically playing through the day again just like in Resident Evil 4, I think most of the new comers to the Resident Evil series like the RE 4 gameplay so it was no brainer that Resident Evil 5 would basically be a carbon copy of RE 4 but with beautiful graphics and stronger enemies.

Thank god that this is in Dolby Digital 5.1, though I'm sure if I had 7.1 it would be in Dolby Digital 7.1 as well. I seriously need to upgrade but within time I'm sure that things will change for me and I'll be upgrading my entertainment setup.