PS3 Trophies


Classic Gaming - Need For Speed III Hot Pursuit

I always figured why I kept going back to the classic games of the 90's. Though someone once said in the said that it's not a classic game unless it's open source or modded. I've seen people able to add modded things to the game and I'm sure anyone can design stuff for it they just need to have the knowledge of coding and design of elements on the game.

The soundtrack for this game is really nice as they had it somewhere on a website to download the music from the game, there were a few cheats within the game to unlock various different cars and even give the Police, Spanish, French or German language when they are screaming and yelling at you to stop. The reason why I found this game to being classic is because it sparks so much good sequels for the Need For Speed Trilogy which a couple of years later sparked an amazing sequel to Hot Pursuit. Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 which was for the PS2, Xbox, and PC this game was amazing for it's time when it first hit the last generation of game consoles.

I even had a great pleasure of doing some game play video of it when I posted it on my YouTube account. It got a lot of views and the graphics, music and sound improved a great deal from the PlayStation One days.

Pretty much the games came and went, I think there were good Need For Speed games after that but after Most Wanted the game sort of turned in the wrong direction and seems to be keeping that way, I haven't played the new game Undercover yet but I assume it might just end up being just like Need For Speed Carbon where you have this hot looking chick and she tells you some bullshit story about you getting fucked over by the cops. That's why I always say you can never beat the classic games that use to come out for the older consoles like Nintendo (NES), Sega Genesis, and Super Nintendo.